Saturday, October 26, 2013

UPT Graduation

TP graduated from Pilot Training today! We started off the day with a breakfast and history of the base.  Knowing a little bit about the process of UPT and the base made the breakfast very boring. It didn't help that the speaker was pretty boring too.

The actual ceremony itself was amazing.  They had a wonderful guest speaker who did an awesome job speaking personally of the graduates.  I thought that was a really nice touch.  This is a guy who's pretty high up, who was flown in just for this graduation.  He had never met (most of) the graduates before this day, and yet still took the time to learn about and speak about them personally.  I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing before, and it was quite inspiring.

We then took TP's family on a tour of the base. It was pretty fun! Afterwards we took a tour of the town and checked out the dam and a pretty old cemetery. We watched the lock and dam let a boat through which I thought was fascinating as I had never seen that before.

Then back home for a little while to get ready for the formal dinner (of which I did not actually get any pictures! Sad day!) But here's what I did get:

 Officially graduates!
 Favorite moment of the day...the breaking of the wings

I wish I had gotten more pictures, but I know TP's family was able to get a ton! Hopefully I can get some more from them :)

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